450 955-3858



A concussion occurs following a direct or indirect impact to the head. The concussion temporarily affects the normal functioning of the brain and the manifestations which result from it can vary enormously from one individual to another. A concussion does not necessarily imply loss of consciousness and is rarely visible on usual medical imaging (X-ray, MRI or scan). The diagnosis of concussion is based more on all of the signs and symptoms during the clinical examination by a doctor or a specialized health professional such as a physiotherapist.


In the majority of cases, the concussion will improve within 14 days and symptoms will disappear after 1 month. If symptoms persist beyond this usual recovery period, do not hesitate to consult our physiotherapists experts in head trauma in order to put together the most effective treatment plan.Our physiotherapists are trained in the prevention, detection and treatment of concussions. A personalized treatment plan will allow a gradual return to cognitive and physical activities based on the most up-to-date scientific studies. Education, manual therapy (for headaches and neck pain), vestibular and visual rehabilitation (for dizziness, vertigo and some visual deficits) as well as exercises (cardiovascular and specific) are part of our treatment plan.

Additional resources

INESS: This leaflet aims to give recommendations to follow to promote recovery and the complete disappearance of symptoms.

SCHOOLFirst – Guide for resuming successful educational activities


 COMMON SYMPTOMS in the days following a concussion

• Headache
• Fatigue or sleep disturbances
• Nausea
• Dizziness or vertigo
• Feeling slowed down
• Concentration or memory problems
• Blurred vision
• Sensitivity to light or noise
• Unusual emotional (anxiety or irritability)

In addition to these symptoms, neck pain or stiffness is common following a concussion. These issues can also be addressed by our team of physiotherapists who know the normal recovery steps and can help you get back to your favorite activities.