450 955-3858

Perineal and Pelvic Rehabilitation

Perineal and Pelvic Rehabilitation is an area of physiotherapy that evaluates and treats problems related to the perineal and pelvic cavity which includes the genitals, the pelvic floor muscles, the anorectal region and the coccyx.

This discipline is often associated with women's health, but can also help many problems in men. Given the nature of the problems, the evaluation and treatment of pathologies often includes palpation of the intra-vaginal and/or intra-anal musculature.

According to medical specialists and scientific research, perineal re-education is the foremost recommended treatment for urinary incontinence.

This discipline treats the  following pathologies:

• Urinary incontinence (from losing a few drops of urine while jumping to the complete loss of urine) in men and women
• Urinary urgency in men and women
• Fecal incontinence (light/moderate/severe) in men and women
• Sexual pains in women
• Prolapse (organ protrusion) with the possibility of installing a pessary
• Pain in the coccyx, ano-rectal, vagina or vulva regions
• Sexual pains in men, treatments for Peyronie’s disease as well as treatments for erectile dysfunction

Frequently used methods of treatment:

• At-home exercise program
• Prescription of various contraction exercises
• Manual biofeedback or via a probe
• Muscular stimulation via a probe
• Stretching and releasing techniques via internal palpation 
• Teaching appropriate evacuation techniques

In addition to the treatment of pelvic and perineal pathologies, perineal re-education equally serves to prevent certain pathologies such as urinary incontinence by strengthening the muscles of the pelvic before, during and after pregnancy.