450 955-3858

Vestibular Re-education

Vestibular rehabilitation is a specialized field of physiotherapy that treats symptoms related to the vestibular system which is located at the inner ear. 

Symptoms such as dizziness when changing positions, persistent vertigos and low tolerance to prolonged visual or auditory stimulation (such as being in large crowds) are often symptoms of vestibular problems.

Motor vehicule accidents, cerebral concussions or irritations at the inner ear (such as a labyrinthitis) can all cause positional vertigo. This condition can also be treated by vestibular re-education.  

At the clinic, the evaluation of vertigo is done with the help of a videonystagnoscope (VNS) which allows an advanced evaluation.

The VNS consists of glasses with an integrated infrared camera which records eye movements during the various maneuvers performed in the clinic. This tool greatly facilitates the physiotherapist's work, first to determine the cause of the problem and then to treat it more efficiently and precisely.