Michèle Giard graduated in 2016 from Université de Sherbrooke with a Masters in Physiotherapy. Having spent ten years working as a physical rehabilitation therapist, her passion for the musculoskeletal field combined with assisting in the progress of clients of all ages led her to pursue her passion by completing studies in higher education. Naturally athletic, it is not uncommon to find her around mountains trail running or to see her on her road bike. As such, she has been a member of her region’s cycling club for four years. She has also worked for three years as a therapist for the Pro-mutuelle senior hockey team Desjardins de Farnham. Mother of three young boys, she is actively participates in local hockey tournaments as a first responder.
Detainer of the CAMPT student excellence prize, she wishes to continue her studies in manual therapy to perfect her approach and to gain even more experience for the benefit of her patients.
Training and certifications :
To be completed :